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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

this is the period which i'm always afraid of. last tw0 weeks 0f the bl0ck. it's always as busy 0r even w0rse. just have t0 pull through it th0ugh. but still struggling with my w0rk. argh.
though busy, i am reading twilight! thanks to alvin f0r lending me the b00k.
i was thinking 0f whether vampires d0 exist? hm. if they d0, w0uldn't it be scary? but in twilight, it desribed the vampires as beautiful looking creature. however they do look different. what if they w0rld is l00sing bl00d, feeding m0re vampires and making human extinct? will the w0rld be full 0f vampires? then h0w w0uld they get bl00d? 0hh...
w0w. the w0rld is full 0f mysteries. n0w i know what i want t0 be after i graduate. heh heh.

m0nkEmpIre`* 11:21 PM

Thursday, January 15, 2009

claps. presentati0n ish 0ver! feeling so relieved.

mummy t0ld me ab0ut her interview yesterday and g0t t0 kn0w that she will be taking s0me c0urses t0 pick up new skills. fr0m southeastCDC, we kn0w that there would be more companies closing down after chinese new year. it includes a few big companies and factories. therefore the number of unemployed would rise in an amount of 2-4k. realised the grave problem that singapore will be facing? treasure every j0b that you have now. it's lyk holding on to a piece of gold when people are desparately searching for bronze.

upgrading is crucial at this moment. age doesn't matters. it's what's in your mind that controls you.

m0nkEmpIre`* 10:13 PM

Sunday, January 11, 2009

my mummy is still jobless. sigh. her last day of work is on my birthday. i can see that she is quite worried as my father's salary isn't high. we have to try to cut cost in everything. she had been trying to look for work, in newspaper and calling up the job agency. but, sigh. it was said that more will become jobless after cny. sho aunties like my mummy would have a more difficult time looking for jobs as more employs would go for applicants with certificates.

i have been wondering, since singaporeans have problems in getting jobs, why the government still insist on their policy of having more foreign talent? shouldn't singaporeans have more privileges? many employers are employing foreigners 'cause the labour are cheaper. but in this case, singaporeans are the one who lose out. i have been thinking, singapore is really a stressful country. i do not know if i can stay here forever. i hope that singaporeans can have a higher chance when applying for jobs.

m0nkEmpIre`* 1:26 PM

argh. seems that i have been neglecting my poor bloggie. sigh. have been going to school till late at night. having dinner at 10 plus 11 is crazy. it causes indigestion, seriously.

friday is the open house of TP. i was on duty from 12-2.45PM. we were told to promote our course and explain what it is about. but since i got into this course unknowingly and without much passion, i really did not know what to say when there are people around. and through OH i realised that my course isn't popular. haha. at least i did not get in as my first choice. sad.

i always think about one question, if i were given a 2nd chance, would i still choose to get in here?

m0nkEmpIre`* 1:16 PM

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

finally. (taking a deep breath). i have this chance to blog as i'm downloading autoCAD. haha. juz h0pe that this works. (praying).

it was my birthday yesterday and i spent 9 h0urs in sch00l. that was the first time i had my birthday cake after 10PM. haiz. a day that is supp0sed t0 be perfect is ruined by the release time of my class. pathetic. n my 18th birthday 0nly 0ccurs 0nce in a lifetime. h0w am i supp0se t0 get it back, making it perfect? h0wever, i g0t a m0nkey dustbin fr0m my sis, a mem0ry card f0r psp. (at this m0ment, my aut0CAD is d0ne d0wnl0ading! w00h00!) :D

and t00pid shuwei ask me b0ut de class 0utin which i d0 n0t kn0w h0w t0 answer. hehe. erm. i can 0nly say that m0st pe0ple are busy with their w0rk n0w? heh. lame excuse? s0rry.

m0nkEmpIre`* 11:22 PM

Monday, January 5, 2009

wh00. c0unting d0wn t0 18. yes. im 0ld but dun call me ah ma. heh. this is als0 the first day 0f sch00l. attended m0ses's meeting, th0ught that it was 0kay but 'slightly' t00 l0ng. 00ps. heh.

DADra is really dem0ralising and stressful. argh. h0pe that this wil end s00n. but since it's matthias, it shouldn't be t00 bad. haha.

at this p0int 0f time when i'm typing this sentence, it was 11:10PM. i'm expecting 11:11PM (and it turned 11:11PM n0w). it's 0nly a legend, but i ch0se t0 believe it. there are actually many things that are made up by pe0ple. it may n0t be true. but when we believe in s0me 0f them, it gives us s0me h0pe. f0r example, when y0u see the time 11:11, it means that s0me0ne is thinking 0f y0u. but when u c0me t0 think 0f it, is 11:11 the 0nly time y0u think 0f s0meb0dy? i'm sure n0t. haha. but since it can c0mf0rt s0me pr0ne-t0-be-f0rg0tten-pers0n, why n0t juz let it carry 0n? at least let th0se psych0l0gist earn less, save m0re m0ney, during this economy downfall. =P

m0nkEmpIre`* 11:04 PM

Sunday, January 4, 2009

harl0! seems that y0u have f0und my new bl0ggie! welc0me! since it's a new year, i decided t0 make a new start here. h0pe that m0st 0f y0u wil f0ll0w me thr0ugh this new year. ^v^

m0nkEmpIre`* 1:37 PM


Xinyi. ex-PAP. ex-RPS. ex-CCHMS. current-TP(IAD)

i have n0thing m0re t0 expect. life will 0nly stay as it is, n0 matter what i wish f0r, it will never c0me true. thanks f0r pe0ple wh0 kn0w me well, i'm really grateful and, i truly treasure it.

jeanette aw
alvinken yih

greatest wish

t0 run away. t0 s0mewhere that i can start life afresh.


all the things that happened.


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009


Photoshop CS3
STAGE - Luo Zhi Xiang