my sis's birthday. we b0ught a zinc bag and a panda f0r her. at first, she did n0t menti0n what she wanted and s0, we decided what t0 get f0r her. we remembered very clearly that she said she wanted a panda, s0 that did n0t b0thered us a l0t. but a week bef0re her birthday, she said she wanted care bear. and fr0m then 0n, my mum keep b0thering me ab0ut what t0 d0. 0n saturday, we gave my sis her birthday presents as she kept asking f0 them. she l00ks rather disapp0inted when she saw that we gave her a bag.
after that, my mum keep saying that she feels bad f0r buying her a cheap present and said that the mem0ry card that they b0ught me is really expensive. why d0 they care s0 much ab0ut the price? i rememberd last year, she b0ught me a present that c0st $80 and g0t a present that c0st $160 f0r my sis. and at that p0int 0f time, she said "it's the th0ught that c0unts, n0t the m0ney. d0n't b0ther ab0ut h0w much i spent 0n y0ur sis's present." did she kn0w h0w i felt? and n0w, she's fretting because she felt that her gift is cheap when the difference is n0t as big.
i just realised that pe0ple ar0und me ign0res h0w i feels. they may be my family. but what d0 they care? d0n't they kn0w that i hate hiding in that c0rner, seeing that my sis gets all the attenti0n. n hey! dad, please d0n't try t0 put 0n a sh0w in fr0nt 0f me. i d0n't need y0ur c0ncern since i d0n't have it right after sis exist.