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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

7th day 0f sk00l.
i can 0nly say,
bathr00m ish driving me crazy.

seems that n0wadays,
there's n0thing that inspire me t0 p0st.
is life getting b0ring day by day?

isn't life the same f0r every0ne?
sk00l then, w0rk.
everything, meaningless.

when met with difficulties,
people fight t0 live.
when they succeed,
we w0uld l00k up t0 them.
but what in the end?
all 0f us ends.
then, what's the p0int 0f fighting?

m0nkEmpIre`* 10:12 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

ye. music. pian0.
this is the first time i really feel like giving up 0n it.
i tried.
practice d0esn't make it perfect.
i spend time practising,
and criticised by my pian0 teacher.
i d0n't see why i sh0uld put in eff0rt when
i kn0w i'm g0ing t0 fail.
n0 matter pass 0r n0t,
i'm just g0ing t0 give up.
n0thing is appreciated.
parents just care ab0ut the certificate.
they never h0w hard i'm struggling.
i'm definitely n0t talented in music.
sh0, please,
can they just let me 0ff?

m0nkEmpIre`* 10:22 PM

Monday, April 6, 2009

话已经讲完 爱已风干
心不再摇晃 梦早已存档
删去你的影像 就没有遗憾
这次我很坚强 不再有幻想
你的梦不够宽敞 装不下我的泪两行
点亮月光 走进没有爱情的空港
忘掉感伤 忘掉所有替你圆的谎
不必伪装 天塌下来就让别人去扛
有你那又怎样 你真的不必再勉强
我不会再有期望 今夜就要把你释放
乘着月光 航向没有梦想的空港
面对忧伤 面对明天我会更勇敢
不怕风霜 告诉自己就在这里松绑
剪断月光 停在没有回忆的空港
独自疗伤 抱着自己好好哭一场
不再迷惘 不再对你存有任何遐想
就把你遗忘 把你遗忘

m0nkEmpIre`* 11:23 PM

Sunday, April 5, 2009

i d0n't kn0w what t0 d0
and h0w t0 tell y0u.
human are created this way.
we cant c0ntr0l what we feel.
if anything's g0ing t0 hurt y0u,
i prefer t0 keep it t0 myself.

i really can't believe it
th0ugh y0u t0ld me it's true.
i just find it imp0ssible.
i th0ught that y0u just want t0 patr0nize me
cause y0u th0ught my answer w0uld be 'y0u'.
even till t0day,
i still c0uldn't believe.
maybe cause i d0n't deserve it?
y0u definitely deserve m0re.

m0nkEmpIre`* 6:30 PM

w0w! finally g0t the chance t0 bl0g.

class chalet. l0l. quite fun.
it makes my mind st0ps functi0ning.
th0ught there's 0ne part which wa quite scary.
(when we first went int0 the chalet,
i saw a dark figure ran past me.
i th0ught it was my friend.
when i turned back,
i saw n0thing. n0b0dy at all.
it went 0ut 0f the d00r.)

water b0mb. heh. fun.
t00pid guys. didn expect them t0 betray us.
and, l0l, p00r angie. haha.
th0ugh we were drenched,
it was still fun.

i w0n seven times in a r0w!
unbelievable. haha.
the wine was nice.
i like the burning feeling
al0ng the gullet t0 the st0mach.

didn't sleep f0r the wh0le night.
th0ugh i nearly fell asleep a few times,
but tried t0 remain awake. heh.

finally it was five
and i th0ught it was m0rning.
sh0, decided t0 walk 0ut t0 cheers.
b0ught starbucks m0cha.
t00pid ben.
t0ld us b0ut n0t l00king up.
l0l. that really scared me.

fun. haha.
when will we have a class chalet again?
heh. but n0t changi please. heh.

m0nkEmpIre`* 6:16 PM


Xinyi. ex-PAP. ex-RPS. ex-CCHMS. current-TP(IAD)

i have n0thing m0re t0 expect. life will 0nly stay as it is, n0 matter what i wish f0r, it will never c0me true. thanks f0r pe0ple wh0 kn0w me well, i'm really grateful and, i truly treasure it.

jeanette aw
alvinken yih

greatest wish

t0 run away. t0 s0mewhere that i can start life afresh.


all the things that happened.


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009


Photoshop CS3
STAGE - Luo Zhi Xiang