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Sunday, August 30, 2009

happiness have t0 be created.
unhappiness happen
even when y0u d0nt want it,
0r n0t d0ne by y0u.

things that we d0nt want,
will pester.
even th0ugh tired 0f everything,
unhappiness is what i c0uld never st0p.

maybe, t0 y0u,
peaceful simple life is nice.
but what is it t0 me?
even heartbeat needs variati0n,
what ab0ut feelings?

things that we expect are different.
never v0icing 0ut,
d0es n0t mean
enj0yable, satisfied 0r likable.
it's just a matter 0f time.
things might run 0ut 0f c0ntr0l.

s0, what d0 y0u really undrestand?
what d0 y0u kn0w?

i'm just saying these,
i hate telling.
i hate expecting.
i hate disapp0intment.
and i hate a b0ring life.

m0nkEmpIre`* 1:16 AM

Friday, August 28, 2009

w0rk hard t0 acheive what y0u want.
but what y0u get
may n0t be what y0u want.

when pe0ple d0n't understand y0u,
misunderstandings are unav0idable.
it may n0t be cause y0u c0nceal y0urself,
but may be pe0ple ar0und y0u,
are n0t 0bservant.
everything sh0uld n0t be t0ld,
but t0 be 0bserved.
if all things are t0 be t0ld,
all the meanings are g0ne.
n0thing is significant anym0re.

m0nkEmpIre`* 12:21 AM

Sunday, August 23, 2009

i'm wr0ng.
i had always been independent,
never been sp0ilt.
just realised that.

what's w0rth?
what d0 i feel?
h0w d0 i feel?

y0u can ign0re everything.
cause y0u will never kn0w me.

m0nkEmpIre`* 11:20 PM

Saturday, August 22, 2009

n0w i finally get what it means by
'd0n't always get what y0u want'

life is n0t ab0ut success,
but ab0ut learning.
learning t0 deal with
l0st, and

what i expect
may n0t be what i get.
it's an ulcer in my heart.
n0 medicine can help.
just time f0r it t0 heal.

m0nkEmpIre`* 9:32 PM

Sunday, August 16, 2009

came acr0ss this,
' if y0u want t0 draw s0mething
t0 perfecti0n,
y0u have t0 f0cus 0nly 0n it.'

t0 d0 s0mething well,
y0u have t0 change
acc0rding t0 what it requires.
t0 understand every details 0f it.

by then,
y0u will realise that y0u can
leave what y0u are behind,
and be what y0u want.

m0nkEmpIre`* 11:38 PM

there's al0t 0f things
happening in 0ur subc0nsci0us.
time is what we need
t0 pr0ve.

m0nkEmpIre`* 8:40 AM

certain things
can 0nly be d0ne
with certain pe0ple,
d0n't any0ne agree?

pe0ple can deceive,
but, it's f0r y0u t0 decide,
what y0u want t0 believe.

when y0ur heart deceive,
there's a chance y0u didn't realise,
0r even a chance
that y0u d0n't want t0 realise.

m0nkEmpIre`* 8:36 AM

Saturday, August 15, 2009

life is ab0ut learning.
learning ab0ut life.

what are friends?
what are friends f0r?
what is l0ve?
what's the reas0n 0f l0ve?
there are never definite answer
f0r all these questi0n.
if any0ne kn0ws,
enlighten me.

what is trust?
why trust?
h0w t0 trust?

what t0 believe?
what we see?
what we hear?
what we feel?

what i believe is,
trust with eyes and brain,
n0t with ears and feelings.
is that s0 difficult?
n0w i kn0w that
we must n0t be blinded.
'cause i 0nce was that f00l.

m0nkEmpIre`* 2:01 PM

Friday, August 14, 2009

why has everything bec0mes funny?

why n0t n0w,
judge y0urself first,
bef0re y0u judge 0thers.
remember this?
y0u w0rth t0 criticse?
i'm trying t0 help.
*laugh 0ut l0ud.

haha. 0kay.
if y0u want t0 c0mplain,
0r get pitied,
it's 0kay.
but please ah,
*0n my kness
at least tell the truth.

*c0ugh c0ugh c0ugh

f0r 0nce,
please be fair.

m0nkEmpIre`* 11:08 PM

Thursday, August 13, 2009

s0 this is what things are.
being direct is better.
it's really time.
and time's up.

all are intenti0nal.

last p0st 0f rubbish.
be what i am!

m0nkEmpIre`* 11:38 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

it's time, isn't it?

it's my stubb0rness that
caused all these tr0uble.
time f0r me t0 ab0rt
what i had wanted t0 d0.
i c0uldn't care anym0re.
s0mething new that i can learn.

m0nkEmpIre`* 11:57 PM

Saturday, August 1, 2009

如果痛是爱的代价 那伤心


i just like the s0ng.

m0nkEmpIre`* 1:16 PM

and als0,
my pian0 teacher cum psych0l0gist
t0ld me that,
her student t0ld her this,
'd0n't ever trust friend'.

it's damn ****ingly true.
(s0rry ab0ut my language)
friends betray.
friends w0uld hurt.
friends d0n't care ab0ut h0w y0u feel.
friends will sh0 c0ncern n0t fr0m their heart.
friends aren't true.
friends w0n't die f0r y0u.

th0ugh there might be c0nflict,
they d0n't betray.
they can even sacrifice themselves
f0r y0u.

i just realise this t00 late.
wh0 in the **** sh0uld i believe?
in life,
w0rk and sch00l isn't the t0ughest.
it's PR.

m0nkEmpIre`* 12:39 PM

went f0r pian0 less0n.
my pian0 teacher cum psych0l0gist
t0ld me this,
'y0u w0uld never be able t0 change any0ne,
n0t even the 0nes that y0u l0ve
0r the 0nes that l0ves y0u.
everything is in them.'

i was just naive t0 believe that
these few m0nths have been better
and things w0uld stay this way.

few m0nths ag0,
where things have already happened,
i sh0uld have f0rced myself t0 accept
n0 matter h0w hard it is.
but i was dumb.

n0w, i kn0w it.
n0things g0ing t0 be changed.
0r rather,
n0thing can be changed.
that's what y0u are.

f0r this,
i'm g0ing t0 ap0l0gise.
i sh0uldn't have made a fuss.
it was my pr0blem.

and again,
i'm g0ing t0 ap0l0gise.
f0r criticisng y0u 'g00d friend',
a pers0n wh0m y0u w0uld rush t0 first
whenever things happen.
she's as g00d as y0u think h0w she is.
i'm the villian.

m0nkEmpIre`* 12:32 PM

time f0r ripley's believe it 0r n0t!

previ0us day,
(i was already n0t happy with her)
i played with angie
(cause class is b0ring)
s0, i drew an arr0w
and wr0te 't00pid'.
i sh0wed it t0 angie.
and the tw0 0f us were playing happily.

then, angie went t0 sh0w her
where i didnt ask her t0
and had n0 intenti0n 0f playing with her
since i was already n0t happy.

and after that,
she became angry.
me and angie realised.
s0, angie asked her.
she said
'yarh, n0t with y0u.'
s0, it's damn 0bvi0us that
she's angry with me.

then, angie explained t0 her
that it was her wh0
wanted t0 sh0w her the drawing
and ask her n0t t0 be angry.
she said' there's a remedy'

what d0 y0u think the remedy is?
t0 ap0l0gise?
t0 give in and talk t0 her first?
i d0n't see why i sh0uld.

0kay fine.
back in the studi0,
she waited until i'm n0t ar0und
t0 ask whether angie
wants t0 g0 f0r lunch with her,
leaving me 0ut.

s0 what's n0w?
her misunderstanding,
my fault?

my anger is n0t ar0used
by this 0nly incident.
it's accumulated.

if i can sh0w my anger in class,
y0u sh0uld have kn0wn h0w bad it is.

wh0ever saw this,
believe whatever versi0n that y0u want.

m0nkEmpIre`* 12:17 PM


Xinyi. ex-PAP. ex-RPS. ex-CCHMS. current-TP(IAD)

i have n0thing m0re t0 expect. life will 0nly stay as it is, n0 matter what i wish f0r, it will never c0me true. thanks f0r pe0ple wh0 kn0w me well, i'm really grateful and, i truly treasure it.

jeanette aw
alvinken yih

greatest wish

t0 run away. t0 s0mewhere that i can start life afresh.


all the things that happened.


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009


Photoshop CS3
STAGE - Luo Zhi Xiang