Saturday, September 26, 2009
things that y0u d0n't understand,
y0u will never be able t0 understand.
just h0pe that pe0ple will kn0w,
whatever my parents d0,
they are still my parents.
ch0ice 0f w0rds use 0n them,
still must g0 thr0ugh the same pr0cedure
thr0ugh y0ur brain.
thanks f0r n0ting this.
m0nkEmpIre`* 11:41 PM
Monday, September 21, 2009
everything said,
is just what i feel.
since years ag0,
i had realised,
we live individually,
n0 matter what.
whatever things d0ne
0r said t0 us,
never lasts.
26 alphabets.
i pieced it in 0ne way,
t0 mean my meaning.
y0u read it,
interpreted in y0urs.
m0nkEmpIre`* 11:25 PM
th0ught are better n0t t0 be shared.
feelings are better n0t t0 be said.
m0nkEmpIre`* 10:10 PM
we w0uld w0nder why things
aren't what we wanted.
we w0uld n0t c0nsider
what caused it t0 happen.
tw0 bulbs,
tw0 switches.
bulb 0ne with switch 0ne,
bulb tw0 with switch tw0.
y0ur plan was t0 turn 0n bulb 0ne,
but subc0nsci0usly,
u turn 0n switch tw0.
y0u blamed the switch f0r
n0t w0rking the way u wanted.
y0u blamed the c0ntract0r,
f0r n0t putting the switch in that manner.
alth0ught y0u kn0w it turns 0ut wr0ng,
y0u 0ff it again,
and turned 0n switch tw0 again.
this time r0und,
y0u still wanted bulb 0ne t0 light up.
certain things,
we have t0 l00k at it fr0m different perspectives.
when things happen,
all the resp0nsiblities,
might n0t always be 0n 0thers.
0ne suggesti0n,
just wait f0r the sun t0 rise,
leave the bulbs al0ne.
but seems like it isn't p0ssible,
'cause in desparati0n,
y0u ch0se a candle.
that have a high p0ssiblity t0 burn y0ur hand,
either by wax,
0r by its flames.
m0nkEmpIre`* 3:36 PM
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
why d0 things happen?
they happened f0r us t0
learn less0ns.
life itself,
is a less0n that n0 man can master.
we fail in different ways.
every0ne can be deceived,
except y0urself.
when truth is digged 0ut by 0thers,
y0u will then realise y0u had behaved
like a f00l.
m0nkEmpIre`* 5:26 AM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
0ur friendship,
jigsaw puzzle.
it was a printed picture.
be it cart00n, animals,
0r even scenery,
t0 make it int0 a puzzle,
it w0uld be sent f0r cutting.
that's when,
y0u f0rcefully,
br0ke everything int0 pieces.
th0usands 0f pieces.
realised what had been d0ne,
eff0rt had t0 be put in,
t0 piece them back.
with eff0rt,
the puzzle can be pieced back.
the cuts and scars remain,
never rec0vering.
m0nkEmpIre`* 7:37 PM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
what makes a greater difference?
character 0r appearance?
apparently, pe0ple w0uld g0 f0r
the things that are appealing,
that's appearance.
why is it s0 pr0minent?
d0es it last f0rever?
m0nkEmpIre`* 12:37 AM