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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

after 111 p0sts,
i have decided t0 start things 0ver again,
in a new destination.

n0 matter are there any0ne wh0 read my bl0g
0r it's just f0r me,
i kn0w that i need my bl0g.

t0 any0ne wh0 read my p0sts,
h0pe that y0u w0uld f0ll0w me t0 the new bl0g,

m0nkEmpIre`* 12:22 PM

Saturday, December 19, 2009

everytime we w0uld take pe0ple ar0und us
f0r granted.
we have never realised what they have d0ne f0r us
0r what they have given us.
it's the time
f0r us t0 take s0me time,
t0 realise that they have
indeed d0ne s0mething in 0ur life,
f0r us

with0ut her,
there w0uldn't be me.
whenever there's time,
i w0uld never ch00se t0 g0 t0 her h0use,
unless it's christmas,
0r chinese new year.

n0ne 0f her children w0uld bring her 0verseas.

0ur family d0esnt like her
might be due t0 her fav0urtism.
she sp0ns0red my uncle t0 buy a car,
n0t my dad.
she b0ught a set 0f g0ld f0r my aunty,
a pathetic necklace f0r my mum.
my aunty had a banquet f0r her wedding,
my mum 0nly a buffet at h0me.
she put my uncle's family ph0t0 as her ph0ne wallpaper,
but never 0urs.

eveything m0unted,
anger escalated.

she b0ught me and my sis a necklace each,
each c0sting 0ne-third 0f her salary.
we w0ndered why.

she said it is f0r us t0 keep as a mem0rial,
after she's g0ne.
she wanted t0 leave a trace in 0ur life.

whenever we visit her,
she w0uld give us m0ney.
but what have i given her?
as a grandchild,
have i d0ne what i sh0uld d0?
even when i was w0rking,
i have never given her a cent,
n0r treated her t0 a meal.

whenever we have time,
we w0uld rather spend time at h0me,
watching televisi0n pr0gramme,
rather than visiting her.
is it s0 difficult t0 talk t0 her?
0r just t0 visit her?

is it t00 late t0 realise this?
when i start w0rking,
w0uld there still be time f0r me t0
fulfil my duty as a grandchild?
cause that w0uld be years later.

she might be unreas0nable at times,
but she was the 0ne wh0 gave my dad life,
which in turn,
gave me the 0pp0rtunity t0 be here.

m0nkEmpIre`* 4:48 PM

Monday, December 7, 2009

these 2 days are really w0nderful.
梁小妹 aut0graph sessi0n 0n 5/12
party and SPD on 6/12.

with0ut 餘音繞梁,
things might n0t be the same.
we are a gr0up 0f friends,
gathered t0 give 梁小妹
all 0ur supp0rt during the peri0d 0f time
when she is in SG.
h0pe we really did it.

it's really like a big family.
all the friends that i just knew...
they are w0nderful!
and Stella!
we didn't mean that u are 0ld.
but really thank y0u f0r taking care
0f us, 新知音!
we really enj0yed 0urselves.
and 0f c0urse,
chenxi and marcus...
alth0ugh 老妈 always made fun 0f us...

h0wever, there are 2 regrets.
i didnt see the thread in time
and missed the hipp0 ride...

the 0ther 0ne is the party...
i v0lunteered t0 play the game,
even 梁小妹 asked me t0 g0 up stage
but when jia fa said there are t00 many pe0ple,
i went back t0 sit d0wn.
i sh0uld have g0ne up...
sad sad sad...


m0nkEmpIre`* 3:03 PM

Saturday, November 21, 2009

y0u had already
stabbed me with a knife,
ch0pped me with a ch0pper,
nailed me with a hammer,
what else d0 y0u want?

i'm 0nly left with the unwanted s0ul.

d0n't blame me
f0r what i'm d0ing n0w.
i'm n0t angry 0r whatever,
just guarding what's left 0f me.

n0w i realise,
wushu is n0thing.
y0u are the 0ne
wh0 taught me h0w t0 pr0tect myself,
fr0m all kinds 0f weap0ns.

m0nkEmpIre`* 12:51 AM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

what i th0ught was meaningful,
isn't meaningful anym0re.

what i th0ught is w0rth,
isn't w0rth anym0re.

what i wanted t0 keep in my mem0ry,
has been l0ng g0ne.

what i'm waiting f0r,
w0uld never be here.

m0nkEmpIre`* 10:50 PM

Thursday, November 12, 2009

went thr0ugh liang wen yin's bl0g
and her new s0ng.
what she said is really true.
alth0ugh in the s0ng,
it is said that
mem0ry is limited,
theref0re, bad mem0ries will be deleted.
h0wever, bef0re they can be deleted,
we have t0 learn t0 let g0.
despite the fact,
happy mem0ries are always the 0ne
that d0 n0t stay f0rever.
bad mem0ries are always the 0nes
that will haunt y0u

m0nkEmpIre`* 12:07 AM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

哭過就好了 梁文音


沒有感受 看你微妙的變化 

慢慢不同 我不是生氣 



但越解釋 越覺得難過


你會這麼做 是我的錯

哭過就好了 傷都會好的

這樣相信所以深呼吸著 割捨

愛是為了擁抱 為了牽手

不是為了爭吵 為了調頭

哭過就好了 痛都會走的記憶有限 

所以它會淘汰 懷的

失眠聽歌 想念雖然苦澀

還是謝謝你 讓我長大了




手上但它一定在我身上 某個地方

m0nkEmpIre`* 12:15 PM


Xinyi. ex-PAP. ex-RPS. ex-CCHMS. current-TP(IAD)

i have n0thing m0re t0 expect. life will 0nly stay as it is, n0 matter what i wish f0r, it will never c0me true. thanks f0r pe0ple wh0 kn0w me well, i'm really grateful and, i truly treasure it.

jeanette aw
alvinken yih

greatest wish

t0 run away. t0 s0mewhere that i can start life afresh.


all the things that happened.


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009


Photoshop CS3
STAGE - Luo Zhi Xiang